Monday, November 28, 2011

Have a Pie (on us) buy a Pint and hear about the People's Charter for a Fairer Scotland.

The People's Charter is holding an event for activists after the rally in Barrowlands on 30th November 2011 downstairs in the Blackfriars Pub, 36 Bell Street, Glasgow G1 1LG.
This is a short walk back towards town from the Barrowlands. The meeting will start approximately 15 minutes after the end of the Glasgow Pensions Rally in the Barrowlands (which is anticipated to finish about 2.15pm).

Chair:       Vince Mills

Speakers: Elaine Smith MSP, 
                Phil McGarry RMT,
                PCS Striker

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Be a People's Charter Activist

1. The  People's Charter outlines six key areas where we need to build a better life for the vast majority of the Scottish and British People - expanding the economy, more jobs, decent homes, good public services, more equality and peace. The supporters of austerity will give us recession, fewer jobs, poor services for the poor and, greater inequality and war.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Vote on-line for the Peoples Charter

At a meeting in August called to discuss EU Austerity, Frank Keoghan, president of the Irish Technical Engineering and Electrical Union and active in the Irish Peoples Movement, called for a strategy that would bring the people of Ireland into political confrontation both with the Irish puppet political elite and their puppet masters in Brussels. My metaphor - his idea, although it seemed very familiar when he argued it. And that was probably because in Ireland the public response to aspects of the austerity package like the savage cuts in public sector pay has, as yet, been fairly muted, as it has been here, so far. We need to change that political mood in Scotland too.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rozanne Foyer of Unite on The People's Charter

When Len McCluskey the new General Secretary of Unite addressed the assembled crowds at Glasgow’s May Day Rally, just days before the Scottish Parliament elections he delivered a stark message to the Scottish Labour party.

Reminding us that Keir Hardie had said his key aim in life was to stir up 'divine discontent' among the people, he strongly urged Scottish Labour to return to those radical roots - to reclaim its radical edge and reject the cuts agenda. He said it was no use embracing the concept of cuts but saying we’ll cut slower or thinner. He said it was time for the Party to face up to the fact that the New Labour philosophy – that slavish ideology of Neo – Liberalism has failed and he urged us all to stand up and be confident in our beliefs. For us to have faith in our values of decency, dignity, justice and equality.

Elaine Smith MSP, Jamie Hepburn MSP & Neil Findlay MSP lead Debate on People's Charter and STUC Better Way Campaign in Scottish Parliament

There is a Better Way Campaign

The Deputy Presiding Officer (John Scott): The final item of business today is a members’ business debate on motion S4M-00003, in the name of Elaine Smith, on there is a better way. The debate will be concluded without any questions being put.

Motion debated,

That the Parliament supports the STUC There is a Better Way campaign; believes that cuts are neither unavoidable nor inevitable and that they would actually threaten economic recovery across Scotland and impact on areas such as Coatbridge and Chryston; considers that a sensible and sustainable response to the current economic crisis is contained in the People’s Charter; understands that public sector cuts are likely to have a disproportionate effect on women, children and disabled people, and would welcome widespread support for the STUC campaign and local campaigns such as those in North Lanarkshire and West Lothian.