Monday, November 28, 2011

Have a Pie (on us) buy a Pint and hear about the People's Charter for a Fairer Scotland.

The People's Charter is holding an event for activists after the rally in Barrowlands on 30th November 2011 downstairs in the Blackfriars Pub, 36 Bell Street, Glasgow G1 1LG.
This is a short walk back towards town from the Barrowlands. The meeting will start approximately 15 minutes after the end of the Glasgow Pensions Rally in the Barrowlands (which is anticipated to finish about 2.15pm).

Chair:       Vince Mills

Speakers: Elaine Smith MSP, 
                Phil McGarry RMT,
                PCS Striker

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Be a People's Charter Activist

1. The  People's Charter outlines six key areas where we need to build a better life for the vast majority of the Scottish and British People - expanding the economy, more jobs, decent homes, good public services, more equality and peace. The supporters of austerity will give us recession, fewer jobs, poor services for the poor and, greater inequality and war.