Sunday, November 27, 2011

Be a People's Charter Activist

1. The  People's Charter outlines six key areas where we need to build a better life for the vast majority of the Scottish and British People - expanding the economy, more jobs, decent homes, good public services, more equality and peace. The supporters of austerity will give us recession, fewer jobs, poor services for the poor and, greater inequality and war.

2.  The People's Charter is non sectarian and non party political.  It seeks support across all parties and all sections of Scottish society.

3. The People's Charter is in full support of the STUC's There is A Better Way Campaign and the STUC congress supports the People's Charter.

4.  On the cuts, the People's Charter is absolutely clear: it opposes all cuts even if they are delivered more slowly and less deeply than those proposed by the ConDems because the financial crisis is the fault of profit driven financiers, not ordinary people. The majority of people should not have to pay the price for the financiers' greed.  Increased taxation and growth through increased public ownership and public spending are fairer ways out of the crisis.

5. The Charter will be presented to the Scottish Parliament  so by signing it you will be making your views and the views of the Scottish People clear to the Scottish government. We want the parliament to stand up against the cuts and offer solutions based on increased growth and more equality.

6. The People's Charter Scottish Organising Committee has widespread support: FBU, Labour Campaign for Socialism, Morning Star Organising Committee, NUJ, RMT, PCS, POAS, SNP Trade Union Group, Unite, Unite Left, Unison and UCU and a number of Trades Union Councils

7.  There is also a People's Charter Activist Network (PECAN). You  are very welcome to join.

Vince Mills, Secretary
The People's Charter
c/o RMT Offices,
180 Hope Street,
Glasgow G2 2UE

Phone: 0781 461 5224 (Vince Mills, Secretary) or 0793 118 3836 (Phil McGarry, Chair)

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