Monday, December 24, 2012

People's Charter gives evidence to the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Committee of the People's Charter gave  evidence to the Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 11th December. 
Introducing the Scottish Charter's demands to the Petitions Committee, People's Charter Committee members  Vince Mills and John Foster told the Petition's Committee that The  People's Charter should be seen as a response to and a refutation of the politics of austerity.  They outlined the  six key areas where the Scottish Parliament could act  to build a better life for the vast majority of the Scottish people and they argued that the austerity mongers by contrast give us recession, fewer jobs, poor services for the poor and decent services only for the rich, greater inequality and continuous conflict.

Elaine Smith MSP for Coatbridge and Chryston supporting the Petition  said: "these are exactly the kind of demands that those who began the campaign for a Scottish Parliament in the 1970s would have wanted the parliament to be discussing. These demands are about advancing the interests of ordinary working people. This is all the more important because the gains that working people have made through the labour movement are now under severe attack. The People's Charter is a blueprint for an alternative to the politics of austerity an inequality."

The Official Report of the above meeting is now available on the Parliament’s website and can be accessed by following this link: Public Petitions Committee – 11 December 2012.


Monday, November 5, 2012

A big thanks for voting and promoting the Charter

The voting for the e-petition is now closed with just under 3,000 votes.  The Scottish Parliament petitions committee will now consider it and hopefully will take evidence on aspects of its implementation.

The organising committee would like to thank everyone who helped promote the Charter and everyone who signed it during the e-petition  phase.  Keep checking the blogsite for future activities.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just Two Days Left To Vote

The Scottish Parliament e-petition closes on 2nd November.  If you have not voted yet, it is urgent that you do so now.  You will find the link to the Scottish Parliament website on your left under 'Links'.

The Scottish Left Review Supports the People's Charter

The Jimmy Reid Foundation, Scotland’s left-wing think tank, today brought together politicians from across party boundaries to urge Scots to back The People’s Charter as a way of changing Scottish politics.

The People’s Charter (click link for more information) is an initiative launched by political activists, trade unions, campaigning organisations and others who want to see a rebalancing of political priorities towards the real issues faced by ordinary people and away from the interests of ‘big money’. The Charter contains a wide range of policy proposals, organised under six themes:
  • A fair economy for a fairer Britain.
  • More and better jobs.
  • Decent homes for all.
  • Protect and improve our public services – no cuts.
  • Fairness and Justice.
  • Build a secure and sustainable future for all.
A Scottish Parliament petition urging the Scottish Government to adopt the principles of the Charter where it has the relevant powers closes on Friday (2 November) and XX MSPs from across party boundaries have joined together to encourage people to sign up. Today they issued a joint statement:

“The People’s Charter reminds us of the first principle of politics; that government should always serve the people first. But the economic crisis and the imposition of austerity on workers and families to protect big commercial interests shows that globally this principle has been forgotten. We do not agree on everything, but we all agree that it is time politics was rebalanced in favour of the people. That is why we have come together to urge people to sign the petition in support of the People’s Charter. Now is the time for Scotland, Britain and the world to change course.”

The MSPs supporting the statement are Jamie Hepburn, John Wilson, Elaine Smith, Neil Findlay, Patrick Harvie, Alison Johnstone, John Finnie and Jean Urquhart.

The petition has over 2,800 signatories so far. It has the full support of the trade union movement including the STUC , UNISON, RMT, FBU, PCS, NUJ and UCU as well as a number of trade union councils. It is also supported by organisations such as the Morning Star, the Campaign for Socialism, the SNP Trade Union Group and Glasgow International and by individuals such as Elaine C Smith and David Hayman. As well as the politicians supporting this statement, many others have signed the petition including Angela Constance, James Kelly, Bill Kidd, Ricky Henderson, Ewan Aitken, Stewart Clark, Linda Fabiani, Drew Smith, Lewis MacDonald, Siobhan McMahon, Michael McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Katy Clark, Ian Davidson and Anas Sarwar. Shona Robison, Roseanna Cunningham and Bruce Crawford have also offered support.

Reid Foundation Director Robin McAlpine said:

I’m always talking to people who feel that politics is leaving them behind. Well, this is their chance to be heard. There are two days left for people to sign this petition and make sure that everyone hears the message that we want a politics for people and not just the politics of profit. If ordinary people do not make their voice heard then powerful commercial interests will continue to dominate public life - at our expense.”

Further Information:

Robin McAlpine 07788 923 120 (mobile)
01899 221 677 (landline)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The People's Charter in Glasgow Green

The People's Charter made its presence felt at the demonstration in Glasgow on October 20th. Lynn Henderson Scottih Secretary of PCS in a stirring speech from the platform in Glasgow Green told the crowd to use their smart phones to sign the on-line petition or do it when they got home. She finished with: "Let's start the fightback right here, right now. Come together, stand together, fight together. And together we will win."

The People's Charter banners had been on the march between George Square and Glasgow Green and on the Green, People's Charter activists taking signatures for the petition had queues at their stall to sign up as the crowds streamed in.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mobilise against austerity - 20th October

The Peoples Charter is supporting the STUC demonstration on 20th October for a Future that Works.

TUC March
No one in Scotland voted for the disastrous policies of austerity. The
recent Tory conference showed us
that the Coalition Government mean to rob the very poorest in society and give money to the wealthy. Yes to welfare cuts - no  to a 'mansions tax'.
And all this in the name of fairness. The Scottish government, rather than organising defiance is managing compliance, meekly accepting cuts to pensions and keeping a pay freeze on public sector workers.  Make sure that you are there on 20th October in George's Square, Glasgow. To show your anger now,  sign the petition to the Scottish government demanding that they implement the People's Charter. It is top link on the left of the screen.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Positive Action in Housing Supports the People's Charter

Press Release on behalf of Positive Action in Housing (PAIH) and the People's Charter Scotland.

Positive Action in Housing is independent of any political group, religious creed, ideology or economic faction. It is a Scottish wide charity working with communities, housing providers, voluntary organisations and faith groups to enable everyone to have an equal chance to live in good quality, affordable and safe homes, free from discrimination and the fear of racial harassment and violence.
It is on this basis that we support the People's Charter demand for decent homes for all. which includes empowering local government to build and renovate affordable quality homes and buy empty ones, ending the housing shortage, and creating jobs.
Contact PAIH: 0141 353 7972
People's Charter: 07814615224


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Unite Scotland and PCS Scotland Support the People's Charter

The Scottish Committee of The People’s Charter has put forward proposals for the protection and creation of jobs in the face of the Government’s failed austerity programme.

The Unite and PCS trades unions are calling for the revitalisation of collective bargaining and trade union rights to help boost pay and conditions. Furthermore, urgent state intervention and private investment in strategically important sectors of the economy are both required if the UK is to lift itself out of recession.

The proposals are central to the Charter’s radical alternative campaign which launched its new e-petition last week in the Scottish Parliament, already gaining cross-party support and over 1,000 public signatories.

Unite Scottish Secretary Pat Rafferty said, “The increasing inequality of the UK economy can be linked to the decline of collective bargaining over the last thirty years and the legislative assault on trade union rights.

It’s a simple fact that in economies where high levels of collective bargaining and trade union freedoms exist, workers benefit from greater job security and stability of pay and conditions while wider society enjoys greater equality and prosperity.

A fresh focus on sector-wide collective bargaining coupled with legislative change from Government which supports and not attacks trade union rights are vital components for economic recovery and a future that works.”

The PCS Scottish Secretary Lynn Henderson added, “The failed politics of austerity has caused key industries to haemorrhage quality jobs, skills and slash wages with devastating effects on earnings and households.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

STUC supports launch of People's Charter Petition in the Scottish Parliament

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) General Secretary Grahame Smith said:

"The STUC is pleased to support the launch of the People's Charter E-Petition and will participate in the launch events in the Parliament on Wednesday 19th September as well as promoting it to our members and like-minded organisations.

"Now has never been a more important time for those who reject austerity and support a positive alternative to come together to pressurise politicians of all parties and to show that there is a 'Better Way'. We have organised a major demonstration in Glasgow on 20th October as the next stage of that campaign.

"The People's Charter includes 6 demands which STUC supports and STUC is pleased to associate itself this week with 'A Fair Economy for a Fair Britain'. We have consistently argued that the economy needs to be fundamentally rebalanced - reversing the fall in the share of the economy which goes on wages compared to profits; implementing active industrial policies promoting patient investment, jobs and sustainable growth; and ensuring the rich pay their fair share of taxes."


For further information contact Dave Moxham 07891 026 870

Friday, September 14, 2012

e-petition on Scottish Parliament web site - sign up now!

The People's Charter e-petition is now live on the Scottish Parliament website.

"Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to bring forward measures in all areas it has competency to fulfil the aspirations of the People's Charter. "

What you can do:
  • Click the e-petition link and sign up now!
  • Forward the e-petition link to your friends and family and colleagues
  • Share this post on social media networks - Facebook and Twitter and Google+ - or blog it or email it using the buttons below 
The petition will be live on the Parliament website until 26 October 2012.
Sign up now.

Scottish Parliament e-petition calling on Scottish Government to fulfil the aspirations of the People's Charter. 
Six simple demands to bring about a fair society for all.  
1. A fair economy for a fairer Britain.
2. More and better jobs.
3. Decent homes for all.
4. Protect and improve our public services – no cuts.
5. Fairness and Justice.
6. Build a secure and sustainable future for all.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mobilising for e-petition and October 20 A Future That Works

The People's Charter Scotland is mobilising for an e-petition in the Scottish Parliament to gather support for the Charter's six aims and for the STUC's October 20 anti-austerity demo in Glasgow on the theme A Future That Works.

People's Charter e-petition
The e-petition will be live on the Scottish Parliament website for the week beginning Monday 17 September. 
The link is:

There will be two  awareness raising session in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 19 September at 12.30 till 2 pm in room TG24 and 7pm in Room TG20/21. Please contact or call 0131 348 5824/25 to notify that you wish to attend). Press are welcome.

A Future That Works demo 20 October
We plan to campaign around the six themes of the People's Charter in the weeks leading up to and immediately after the 20 October demo in Glasgow with different partners taking the lead as follows:

Week 1 Monday 17 September
A fair economy for a fairer Britain

Week 2 Monday 24 September
More and better jobs

Week 3 Monday 1 October
Positive Action in Housing
Decent homes for all

Week 4 Monday 8 October
Protect and improve our public services - no cuts

Week 5 Monday 15 October
Scottish CND
Build a sustainable future for all

Week 6 Monday 22 October (after the 20 October demo)
Scottish Left Review
Fairness and justice

More details will be published shortly... Please contact for any other information.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Draft Timetable for the Scottish Parliament E-Petition Campaign

Further to the information in the post below at its meeting in June the People's Charter Scotland Committee agreed the following draft timetable for the campaign to get signatures against austerity and for the People's Charter. It may change slightly to accommodate the needs of partners.

  • A planning meeting would be organised on Wednesday 15th August in the STUC
  • There would be a day of action collecting signatures in as many locations as possible with possible support from other groups.
  • The campaign would commence 3rd September in the Scottish Parliament and finish October 13th in the same venue if possible

Friday, June 8, 2012

Organising Strategy for the Scottish Parliament e-Petition

The People's Charter Scotland Committee has agreed on a strategy for taking forward the Scottish Parliament e-petition advocating the People's Charter.  There will be launch of the campaign in autumn in the Scottish Parliament.  The campaign will run for six weeks and it will be done in conjunction with high profile partners.  The committee hope that it will give the Scottish People an opportunity to state once again their absolute rejection of the politics of austerity and war. Watch this space for more details.

People's Charter Success at STUC Congress

Phil McGarry, Chair of the People's Charter Scotland got unanimous support for a motion in the name of  South Lanarkshire TUC at this year's STUC congress held in April in Inverness .  Motion 100 read:

Congress acknowledges the importance of the People's Charter as an alternative to the politics of austerity being promoted by the Con Dem government.  It supports the efforts of the People's Charter Scotland to promote the Charter's aims by public meetings and the collection of signatures. Congress welcomes, supports and asks all affiliates to support the People’s Charter Scotland Committee’s petitioning of the Scottish Parliament calling for the implementation of the Charter's demands. In order to ensure effective liaison between the People's Charter, the Better way Campaign and other initiatives congress requests that the STUC takes up membership of the People's Charter Scotland Committee.