Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Scottish Left Review Supports the People's Charter

The Jimmy Reid Foundation, Scotland’s left-wing think tank, today brought together politicians from across party boundaries to urge Scots to back The People’s Charter as a way of changing Scottish politics.

The People’s Charter (click link for more information) is an initiative launched by political activists, trade unions, campaigning organisations and others who want to see a rebalancing of political priorities towards the real issues faced by ordinary people and away from the interests of ‘big money’. The Charter contains a wide range of policy proposals, organised under six themes:
  • A fair economy for a fairer Britain.
  • More and better jobs.
  • Decent homes for all.
  • Protect and improve our public services – no cuts.
  • Fairness and Justice.
  • Build a secure and sustainable future for all.
A Scottish Parliament petition urging the Scottish Government to adopt the principles of the Charter where it has the relevant powers closes on Friday (2 November) and XX MSPs from across party boundaries have joined together to encourage people to sign up. Today they issued a joint statement:

“The People’s Charter reminds us of the first principle of politics; that government should always serve the people first. But the economic crisis and the imposition of austerity on workers and families to protect big commercial interests shows that globally this principle has been forgotten. We do not agree on everything, but we all agree that it is time politics was rebalanced in favour of the people. That is why we have come together to urge people to sign the petition in support of the People’s Charter. Now is the time for Scotland, Britain and the world to change course.”

The MSPs supporting the statement are Jamie Hepburn, John Wilson, Elaine Smith, Neil Findlay, Patrick Harvie, Alison Johnstone, John Finnie and Jean Urquhart.

The petition has over 2,800 signatories so far. It has the full support of the trade union movement including the STUC , UNISON, RMT, FBU, PCS, NUJ and UCU as well as a number of trade union councils. It is also supported by organisations such as the Morning Star, the Campaign for Socialism, the SNP Trade Union Group and Glasgow International and by individuals such as Elaine C Smith and David Hayman. As well as the politicians supporting this statement, many others have signed the petition including Angela Constance, James Kelly, Bill Kidd, Ricky Henderson, Ewan Aitken, Stewart Clark, Linda Fabiani, Drew Smith, Lewis MacDonald, Siobhan McMahon, Michael McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Katy Clark, Ian Davidson and Anas Sarwar. Shona Robison, Roseanna Cunningham and Bruce Crawford have also offered support.

Reid Foundation Director Robin McAlpine said:

I’m always talking to people who feel that politics is leaving them behind. Well, this is their chance to be heard. There are two days left for people to sign this petition and make sure that everyone hears the message that we want a politics for people and not just the politics of profit. If ordinary people do not make their voice heard then powerful commercial interests will continue to dominate public life - at our expense.”

Further Information:

Robin McAlpine 07788 923 120 (mobile)
01899 221 677 (landline)

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